BGCA provides a wide range of services available to residents of Greater Victoria, from intensive social supports to facility rentals.

The Family Centre is home to many early years programs and for those looking for some more intensive support we have youth and family service workers to provide support and counselling services to both families with children under 12 and to youth 10 – 18 years.

Other specialized support services include Family Self Sufficiency, developed for families receiving a housing subsidy, and Youth Self Sufficiency, supporting youth as they transition to adulthood from government care or independently without supports.

School-based youth and family counselling is available at six schools in School District 61 as well as through the District office for those schools without a youth and family counsellor.

BGCA also offers Community Services such as a free legal clinic, or help with income assistance are hosted by the BGCA. It is our goal to partner with the specialized services that can assist residents needing help.

Finally our Community Centres offers Facility Rentals. Whether you’re planning a business or strata meeting or a social celebration, we have a number of spaces to meet your needs.