BGCA provides a wide range of community recreations programs across all ages and stages of life. Programs include: yoga, fitness, dance, arts, sports, music, healthy living, martial arts, and more. In addition to general community programming, BGCA provides targeted programs for children at Tillicum Elementary as well as Colqutiz Middle Schools. Our Camp survivor provides incredible outdoor experiences for youth aged 10-15 years during spring and summer school breaks.

BGCA programming is also responsive to community needs. Over the years, the Senior’s Lunch and Learn program has provided a healthy lunch as well as the opportunity to make social connections with other seniors in the community. As the number of older adults living in the community continues to grow, programs are expanded to meet their needs.

Community Recreation also provides a calendar of family & community events throughout the year.  Thousands of children, youth and families from throughout the Greater Victoria area attend the annual Selkirk Waterfront Festival.  Many youth and families attend our seasonal celebrations such as the Halloween Monster Mash and Santa’s Pancake Breakfast. The Gorge Waterway Cleanup attracts more than a hundred volunteers in restoring the natural beauty of our local waters and shorelines. These events provide affordable, family focused activities and entertainment, strengthening community ties and engagement throughout the larger community of Greater Victoria.

Please note: We are continuing to offer programming through the pandemic wherever possible. We have had to make changes to how programs are delivered, class size, registration process, and so forth in order to meet public health regulations. See program pages for more details.