A big thank you goes out to all the businesses and organizations who support us and our community initiatives.
BC Housing
BC Housing generously supports both the Housing Outreach Program and Family Self-Sufficiency Program at Burnside Gorge.
Through the Housing Outreach Program, BC Housing provides financial supports and planning for homeless families and families at risk of being homeless.
Through the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, BC Housing provides opportunities for families living in supported housing to develop financial literacy skills and savings opportunities and move forward to self-sufficiency.
WebsiteCity of Victoria
The City of Victoria is a long-time community partner of the BGCA. Funding and/or in-kind support is provided for a number of programs and initiatives.
Friends of Cecelia Ravine - City-led volunteer stewardship of Cecelia Ravine Park;
Cecelia Ravine Community Garden;
Youth Outreach;
Youth Self Sufficiency;
Community Recreation and annual events such as the Selkirk Waterfront Festival and the Gorge Waterway Cleanup.
Coast Capital Savings Credit Union
Coast Capital Savings generously supports the Youth Self-Sufficiency program which supports youth who are living in Ministry care to make a successful transition into adulthood.
WebsiteFirst West Foundation
First West Foundation generously supports the Family Self Sufficiency Program which provides opportunities for families to develop financial literacy skills and move forward to self-sufficiency.
WebsiteGovernment of Canada
WebsiteIsland Health
Island Health supports the Childcare Programs through Supported Child Development Grant.
WebsiteIsland Savings
Island Savings generously supports the Family Self Sufficiency Program which provides opportunities for families to develop financial literacy skills and move forward to self-sufficiency.
WebsiteProvincial Employees Community Services Fund
PECSF supports Family Self Sufficiency Program which provides opportunities for families to develop financial literacy skills and move forward to self-sufficiency.
WebsiteProvince of BC
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. Funding supports community development, childcare and youth programming at Burnside Gorge Community Association.
RBC generously supports our Youth Outreach programming which serves vulnerable youth struggling with their mental health.
WebsiteSchool District 61
School District 61 provides funding to support students and their families through two streams. Through Tillicum Community School BGCA provides students with lunch-hour and after-school activities to enhance physical activity and social connection and growth. In addition BGCA provides school-based youth and family counselling to the following schools: Craigflower Elementary, Tillicum Community School, Colquitz Middle School, Spectrum High School and the Link Distributed Learning program. Youth and family counsellors support students and families to reduce barriers to children's success in school including one on one counselling, group support, family mediation and support with navigation of community services.
Scotiabank generously supports the Youth Self-Sufficiency program supporting youth who are living in Ministry care to make a successful transition into adulthood.
WebsiteSovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller
The Sovereign Order generously supports our weekly Community Dinner for families.
WebsiteUnited Way Southern Vancouver Island
The United Way Southern Vancouver Island generously supports our Family Self Sufficiency program, an innovative and comprehensive three-year financial literacy and asset building program for low income families receiving housing subsidy in the capital region. Through financial literacy skill building, goal setting and action planning, families are able to strengthen their capacity to provide a more stable and healthy way of life for themselves and their children.
WebsiteVictoria Foundation
Victoria Foundation generously supports the Youth Self-Sufficiency program which supports youth who are living in Ministry care to make a successful transition into adulthood.
WebsiteWomen in Need (WIN) Cooperative
Every year year WIN provides gift certificates for the FSS program participants to shop at their store.