Tillicum Daycare is located at 3155 Albina Street in one of the learning studios on Tillicum Elementary School property. Tillicum Daycare is licensed for 16 spaces and serves children ages 30 months to school age.

Tillicum Daycare is full and maintains a waitlist. If you would like to be added to our waitlist please fill in the form below.

If you have further questions please contact Tillicum Daycare Manager Kristan at daycaremanager@burnsidegorge.ca

Daycare Waitlist

Note: Children must be two years old in order to be added to the waitlist. Submissions for children younger than two years will not be saved or recorded.
Indicate if there are sibling(s) registered in BGCA Out of School Care programs (Tillicum or Pearkes location)(Required)
Indicate if there are sibling(s) registered in Tillicum Elementary School(Required)

Daycare Fee Schedule Jan 2024