Founded in 1991 in response to community need, the Burnside Gorge Community Association (BGCA) began providing child care, family support, and recreation services to residents of the Burnside Gorge neighbourhood. Programs and services grew rapidly and since 2002 the BGCA has operated a full continuum of support services to children, youth and families throughout the capital region. Programming includes: a range of childcare programs for ages 3.5 to 11; a range of community and school based youth & family services; housing and asset development supports for youth and families; community recreation and special events for all ages; and a variety of community development initiatives.
The BGCA is a member of the Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses – Capital Region. The purpose of the Coalition is to increase neighbourhood based programs and resources, further develop relationships with government, funders and the wider community, collaborate on regional neighbourhood-based service planning, coordinate services across neighbourhoods, work on community priority issues, and explore increased efficiencies in service delivery and organizational management.
The BGCA is also an avenue for local residents and businesses to bring forward and address neighbourhood ideas and concerns within Burnside Gorge through Land Use & Development processes.